Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Riding like the big boys!

Connor has been pestering us to remove the training wheels from his bike for several weeks now. Finally he took the bull by the horns found a wrench and removed them himself and insisted we take him to the park to learn to ride. Thank goodness Craig was home to help teach him. The boy pedals so fast I know I could not keep up with him. Craig's jogging abilities were put to the test for the next two days running beside Connor as he mastered the fine art of riding like a BIG BOY! Proud to say he can start, stop, and ride all by himself!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Endless Summer Fun

Fall may soon be approaching and the leaves are starting to change but at our house it still feels like summer. Sunday's weather was amazing 92 and not a cloud in the sky. Jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler going is a fav. summer pastime at our house.