Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Snowcones, swimsuits, and sunglasses

Every year we have a few beautiful days in February when the sun shines and the temp rises above freezing. These days have some strange effect on me and I feel the need to get ready for spring. By the end of February I’ve purchased all of my children’s summer clothing shorts, shirts, sandals, and swimsuits. The new items are all washed, folded and ready to be worn. Then the waiting begins! At least once a week for the next few months I wish and hope we will soon be able break out the summer clothes! This year I showed an amazing amount of self control, I have not yet purchased any tank tops for the kids ( actually I couldn’t find a store that had any yet ) Perhaps there’s a 12 step program for compulsive summer clothing shoppers; until I find one I’ll just keep looking at our summer stash and long for the sunshine.